Frequently Asked Questions

How can I submit my suggestion or idea?

Suggestions can be submitted using the following options:

  1. Enter your suggestion directly into the mobile-friendly B2 website:

  2. Download a Suggestion Form, scan, and upload to the B2 website.

  3. Download a Suggestion Form, scan, and email this form to:

  4. Hand your completed Suggestion Form to a supervisor or manager for submission to the B2 website.

Do I have to use the B2 website or a form to submit my idea or suggestion?

Absolutely not! The B2 website is a tool to help make submitting suggestions easier for those who prefer to put their ideas in writing. However, we always encourage team members to reach out to both supervisors and managers as one of the best ways to communicate ideas and suggestions. (Note: Suggestions must be entered into the B2 website to be eligible for drawings and prizes. Work with your supervisor or manager to enter your verbal submissions into the B2 program to maintain your drawing eligibility.)

Can I submit my suggestion anonymously?

Yes, we would appreciate your suggestion even if you don't want to take credit for it. However, remember that anonymous entries will not be eligible for drawings and prizes.

Can I submit someone else's idea?

Yes, the electronic and paper forms allow you to add other people's names to the submission. If you are not sure where the idea originated, add this information to the form and we can help investigate if needed.

What are the eligibility requirements for the drawings and giveaways?

Drawing rules and prize eligibility are subject to change at any time:

$1,000 Annual Prize


  • Qualifying suggestions must be entered or uploaded into the B2 website and be constructive in nature.

  • Submissions must contain elements of performance improvement or cost reduction.

  • For eligibility, each suggestion must be original to B2 program.

  • The winner will be identified by the B2 panel and selected based on the suggestion which delivered the most significant impact or potential savings impact, or the person who submitted the most qualifying suggestions and thus provided the most significant potential or actual savings impact throughout the year.

$100 Monthly Drawing


  • Qualifying suggestions must be entered or uploaded into the B2 website and be constructive in nature.

  • Submissions must contain elements of performance improvement or cost reduction.

  • For drawing eligibility, each suggestion must be original to B2 program.

  • Winners will be selected randomly from all qualified submissions received from the previous month.